Sunday, September 27, 2009


I write this entry in response to Danielle Tan, who has brought something to my attention by posting in the chat box.

At Per Una, we take matters such as complaints very seriously, and I am glad that Danielle used this blog as a way to make her complaint. Although I believe in the efficiency of our customer service hotline, sometimes matters like this are not brought up to the main board, and therefore I rarely hear complaints or reports of dissatisfaction.

I thank Danielle for her concern towards the environment, and towards the content of the laundry detergent we produce. After further contact with Danielle, she mentioned that some of the chemical compounds used in the detergent are harmful to the environment, although most of them are biodegradable. She is concerned that some of the chemical compounds might be harmful to aquatic life, especially algae that is the source of food for plankton.

We too share her concern, however our scientists at Per Una are working hard every day to ensure that all of our chemicals used in any household appliance or beauty product is eco-friendly. When comparing our products to other more costly products, we believe that the contents of other eco-friendly products are also the same. However, we will definitely ensure that more research is done to bring you cost-efficient eco-friendly products.

Second, about Danielle's concern that our products cause allergic reaction. This is also a concern that Per Una shares, especially because we strive to elevate your quality of life, and giving you an allergic reaction was never our intention. I regret to inform you that some of the chemicals in the Bella body wash might trigger some form of allergic reaction, especially on very sensitive skin. My niece who has eczema used Bella for a while, until she realized that it caused her skin to turn red and itchy. However, customers with normal skin should be able to use Bella without any problems.

At Per Una, we do have a dermatologist who ensures that the contents are not harmful or abrasive to the skin, but it is difficult for us to determine how sensitive skin reacts to such products. Unfortunately, we do not produce medicinal soap or body wash, but if you or any other family member has dry skin, try going to this link and this link.

However, I would like to clarify here that Per Una beauty products are rarely, if ever, faulty. I would also like to remind our customers to read the label at the back of the bottles if they are concerned about the contents.

Thank you again Danielle, for bringing this to our attention.

Warm regards,

Marina Idris

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